Tuesday, November 17, 2020

5 Things to Know About Stormwater Pollution

 There is a crucial difference between rainwater and stormwater. Rainwater is relatively clean water collected on rooftops, but it turns into stormwater once it reaches the ground. Why? Because of pollution. 

Stormwater can pose a huge problem, especially for urban communities.  The volume of stormwater and the pollution carried with it can overwhelm local stormwater infrastructure and treatment facilities.  Fortunately, there are industrial rainwater harvesting systems that can turn this liability into an asset. Before investing in such a system, here are five things you should know about stormwater:

  1. Stormwater can be contaminated by silt, hydrocarbons, nitrates, and other substances. However, the contaminated stormwater can still be reused after proper filtration and sanitation.
  2. Harvested stormwater can be treated and used for irrigation, toilet flushing and serve as make-up water for cooling towers.
  3. Mitigating stormwater is often a requirement of local municipalities.  This often results in property owners investing in detention strategies that can be quite costly.  Instead of detaining the stormwater (holding it briefly and releasing it slowly to the storm system,) retaining the water on site and treating it for reuse can turn a liability into an asset.
  4. Stormwater can run off into rivers, lakes, and streams, taking its contaminants with it. Harvesting this water reduces the pollution that can threaten the plant and marine life living in these bodies of water.
  5. Reducing stormwater pollution through collection and filtration not only protects the environment, but it can also save property owners money. Industrial water harvesting systems are an excellent long-term investment despite the upfront cost. Thousands of dollars can be saved on water bills each month thanks to the supply of usable stormwater.

Are you considering a water harvesting system installation? Look for a provider that offers an advanced harvesting system made with the latest technology and durable materials. Ensure that the provider has enough experience, knowledge, and skill when it comes to water harvesting.

Original Source : https://wahaso.com/5-things-to-know-about-stormwater-pollution/

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