Sunday, January 17, 2021

Four Benefits of Gray Water Harvesting

 Gray water refers to wastewater that has been gently used. It usually comes from showers, lavatory sinks and laundry. It differs from rainwater in that it requires a more robust filtration and sanitation system to treat it for reuse. Installing a gray water harvesting system provides these benefits:

 1. Reduce dependence on municipal water. – It does not make sense to flush toilets will high-quality drinking water.  Gray water can act be a good alternative for applications such as flushing toilets and irrigation. With a sufficient filtration and sanitation that a properly design harvesting system provides, a supply of gray water can significantly lower the amount of municipal water a property uses.  This benefits the community by reducing the load on local resources.

2. Reduce municipal water bill. – The direct result of conserving the amount of municipal water a property uses is a reduced water bill.  The right gray water harvesting system can save thousands of dollars each year.


3. Ensure a predictable supply of water. – Since gray water typically comes from showers and lavatory sinks, is often a constant supply. However, it calls for an efficient and reliable processing system to ensure that the water is properly treated and ready for use.


4. Conservation of water. – When gray water is used for multiple applications, it reduces the strain on our natural resources.  In areas where water is scarce, gray water harvesting is an important sustainability strategy.


 Be sure to contact a reputable specialist to get the right gray water harvesting system, which should be compliant with the NSF/ANSI Standard 350 or IAPMO 324 for effectiveness and safety.

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